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Location Engine API Resolution

Our Location engine offers two modes of resolution, LoRaWAN and WIFI.

To use our location engine services you must first sign up for an account. Sign up here

One signed up, click your profile icon top right of the menu and generate an API key.

Account Menu

My Account Menu Item

NOTE: You must have billing enabled, and a card registered to generate an API key.

Generate API Key

POSTMAN COLLECTION You only need to change the parms API key and replace the body on your chosen location lookup route.

Download Location Engine Postman Collection

LoRaWAN Location Lookup

For our location engine to resolve a location it needs a list of hotspots that heard the uplink, location of the hotspot and what signal strength it heard the uplink at.

Note: any hotspots with blank locations will be filtered.

A typical payload looks like:

    "hotspots": [
            "lat": 52.23153880933455,
            "long": -1.7309963563346425,
            "rssi": -113.0,
            "lat": 52.23153880933455,
            "long": -1.7309963563346425,
            "rssi": -113.0,
            "lat": 52.23153880933455,
            "long": -1.7309963563346425,
            "rssi": -113.0,

Users can then post a lookup to:

Example Result

    latitude: 0.0000
    longitude: 0.0000
    geocode: "xyz street, xyz location",

Wifi Location Lookup

If your device supports sniffing WIFI , you can use our services to resolve location.

Example Payload

    "networks": [
            "bssid": "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",
            "rssi": -90
            "bssid": "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FA",
            "rssi": -92

Users can then post a lookup to:

Example Result

    latitude: 0.0000
    longitude: 0.0000
    geocode: "xyz street, xyz location",